Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Welcome to the Ruminations of BlogmeisterB

Blogs are great for people with something to say--most people have something to say--problem is getting someone to listen :>)

I hope in this blog to entertain myself [at least] with some ruminations on the state of the universe.

My good friend Merriam Webster defines Ruminate as:

1 : to chew again what has been chewed slightly and swallowed : chew the cud
2 : to engage in contemplation : REFLECTsynonym see PONDER

Here's to chewing cud and then chewing it again.

Your pal

Remember: To err is human, to moo is bovine


Teagan said...

Hmm, what does it mean that we already have two staff members showing bovine influences while blogging?

rich said...

well, you've already entertained me :)

pam said...

What's the name of that disease of people that can't stop punning? The "BlogmeisterB" syndrome? That's ok - ya gotta be what ya gotta be! Congratulations (boy that was hard to say) to all Red Sox fans all over the RED SOX NATION (am I allowed to get sick at this point?), you poor demented "cur-sed" souls. (go cubz).